Adrian and Petra both come from non-believing families and gave their lives to God, independently of each other, in their teenage years (15 and 20 years). Petra started working with Josiah Venture Slovakia in 2017 through …Read more
Gabriel grew up in south-east Romania in city called Constanta with a family filled with passion for Christ. They served as missionaries in Turkey amongst muslims for 4 years and later moved back to Constanta. It is a big …Read more
Baška decided to follow and give her life to Jesus at a teenage church camp at the age of 13 in Slovakia. The Lord began to put on her heart the teenagers in her city, so she began ministering to teens and young adults. …Read more
Indrek-Eliel Tambek began volunteering with the leadership training program held by Koma, Josiah Venture’s partner organization in Estonia, back in 2011. Around the same time, he also began serving in the ministry of football …Read more
Sebastian was born into a Catholic family in Mysłowice, Poland. He fully understood, truly accepted the gospel, and accepted Jesus into his life when he was 17 years old. Five years later, Sebastian heard about Fusion Katowice …Read more
Serhii grew up in a religious family in a city near Kyiv, Ukraine; however, he truly accepted Christ when he was 19. This path was not easy—he walked away from small addictions to freedom through salvation. In 2020, he …Read more
Eva joined Josiah Venture (JV) in 2011 after participating as a student at the School of Youth Leaders in Slovakia. This school changed her view of ministry. It was there that Eva learned about discipleship for the first …Read more
Noemi grew up in a Christian family. She lives in Ropice and takes care of 4 children - twins Simeon and Sára (16 years old), Miriam (13 years old), Rebeka (11 years old). Her first contact with Josiah Venture (JV) was …Read more
Dusan and Dana have been married since 2008. They started dating while Dana was finishing her master’s degree at University of Malta. Dusan earned his Master of Economics in Prague and diploma in Business Administration …Read more
Fred and Heglis both came from Christian families and accepted God into their lives early on. Consequently, they began their ministry quite early. For many years, they collaborated as volunteers with Josiah Venture (JV) …Read more
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