March 15, 2020
Set Up Daily Challenges for Your Youth Group
Here are some ways to set up challenges for your youth group to engage them in ministry at a distance. One of our missionaries in Slovenia, Gwynne Gardner, is offering some ideas below for daily online challenges that she has been giving in her Fusion music ministry group. To learn more about Josiah Venture’s Fusion ministry in Central and Eastern Europe you can click here.
Daily Challenges by Gwynne Gardner
Here is a compiled list of daily challenges that you can do with your Fusion groups. The idea is to post every day at 14:00 and kids have until 14:00 the next day to complete the challenge. Attached images: 1st one announces what the challenge is. 2nd one has a bit more explanation. They tag the leaders or group name in their post and they will reshare it on their Insta-story on Instagram.
- Bake something and post a photo
- Clean your room and show a before and after shot
- Scare someone
- Do something creative, draw, paint, build something, post it
- Spell out FUSION using found objects- use legos or clothing or toys
- Draw a dinosaur drinking tea but with your eyes closed
- Put on all the hats you can find
- Dress up in a wacky crazy outfit and post a photo
- How many pushups can you do in 15 seconds- have someone record you
- Write a Haiku poem
- Take a photo of you outside
- Take a “social distancing” photo
- Post of photo of your favorite quarantine snack
- We share a random photo from a Fusion rehearsal or camp and they have to create a meme out of the photo or caption the photo
- Share your favorite song
- Share an inspirational quote
- Find the cutest photo of a dog and post it
- Look at yourself in the mirror and attempt a self-portrait with a pencil and paper.
- Find something around your house to fix and fix it
- Find all the pens/markers in your house and make sure they all work. Use one piece of paper to test all of them and in the end, you have a piece of artwork. Don’t forget to throw out the ones that don’t work.
- Interview your grandparents over the phone/skype and post one of the questions you asked them and their answers.
- Post a list of movies/shows you are watching or would like to watch.
- Make a list of the top 5 things you are thankful for
- Take a photo of something that is your favorite
- Take a picture with your pet (or draw one of you don’t have it)
Example Schedule:
Below is our youth ministry’s schedule until the end of March as an example:
Day 1: Do something creative!!! You can draw, paint, build something, whatever you would like. Be creative! And then post it on your story and tag us.
Day 2: All the hats! Put on all the hats you can find in your house and take a selfie.
Day 3: Social Distancing! Take a “social distancing” photo. The funnier the better!
Day 4: Snack time! Post of photo of your favorite quarantine snack! OR next level, take a video of you eating your favorite snack.
Day 5: Self Portrait! Look at yourself in the mirror and attempt a self-portrait with a pencil and paper and post a photo.
Day 6: Furry Friend! Find the cutest photo of a dog or if you have a dog take a photo of him/her and post it.
Day 7: Sneak Attack! Make a video of you scaring someone in your house.
Day 8: Let’s go to the movies! Post a list of movies/shows you are watching or would like to watch while in quarantine.
Day 9: In the kitchen! Bake something delicious and post a photo.
Day 10: Tidy up! Clean your room and show a before and after shot.
Day 11: Word challenge! Spell out the word FUSION using found objects. Use legos, clothing, toys or anything around your house and take a photo.
Day 12: Thankful! Make a list of the top 5 things you are thankful for.
Instagram Story Example Images: