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Pushing Pause

Dear Friends,

As I write this I am in the final day of a two-month sabbatical.

I’m glad the Josiah Venture Board is committed to keeping its leadership fresh and energized. Since my wife, Connie, and I have served in the Czech Republic for 20 years, they graciously gave us this stretch of time to rest and study in order to keep us healthy and strong. We are committed to the JV vision for the long haul and want to stay fruitful.

Since this is the last day, I am in a reflective mood, so let me share with you a few of the key lessons of these last two months.

Regular rest was so important to God that he modeled it himself and included it in the Ten Commandments. Sometimes it’s easy – other times it takes discipline and obedience to recharge the body and soul. I love my work, so for me it usually takes a step of obedience to push pause.

Part of the reason we need to stop is to create space to listen. Over time the press of responsibility and activity dulls my sensitivity. True rest takes me into the presence of the Lord, where I am renewed by his greatness and his love.

God is much more active in his communication than we often realize. He is speaking to me in so many ways, multiple times through the day, and his messages are often surprising and unexpected – if I have ears to hear.

I have heard so many of those messages during these two months, and I feel the renewal that his presence brings. Drinking deeply of the goodness of the Lord makes me even more burdened for the millions in this region who do not even know him.

Thanks for making it possible for us to reach them with the good news.

Because of His love,

President, Josiah Venture



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