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An Ordinary Day

Ever wonder what it's like to be a JV missionary in Central or Eastern Europe? While schedules change often and camps, conferences, and trips give plenty of variety to our weeks, a lot of days for our staff members are still spent trying to be faithful to God in the mundane and normal moments of life. 

Here is a glimpse into one of these ordinary days for the Logins family as they serve full-time with JV in their home country of Latvia. 

A Look into Our Life

The morning in our home starts with the sound of the alarm clock. Our girls run into our bed and try to wake up a sleepy daddy. 

I prepare breakfast and our whole family sits at the big table. We put on some music, light a candle, and pray together before enjoying our breakfast. 

It is time to get dressed, although the girls love to stay in pajamas. It is hard to choose which dress to wear. The color is very important.

When that is done, we prepare our girls for space (at least in winter it usually feels like that with all their snow gear). In their colorful overalls they are ready for the day. Amelija goes to kindergarden and Naomija to baby school. The snow this morning has surprised us. There is a lot of it!

When the girls are at school, I am busy with work around home, preparing food and doing laundry. Raimonds is focused on work in his home office. We find some time for reading and praying during the day. Raimonds' study of Luke is so exciting that he reads even while eating lunch.

And so the evening has come… Our family goes to our local church for youth group. Raimonds gets to preach today. 

After an active evening and a lot of good time with the youth, all of us are tired and ready for sleep. We're so tired that we need to skip bedtime stories.

Please pray for Raimonds, Marta, and their kids, as well as all of our JV staff members, as they seek to glorify God even in the small, everyday tasks of life in ministry. 



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