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Missionary Bio
In 2018, Killyn was attending university in her 2nd year when she first heard about Josiah Venture and became a short-term team member to Hungary. After this short-term trip, she wanted to return to Hungary as an intern but felt that God was leading her to a different country.
In that coming year of 2019, she became a Josiah Venture intern in the country of Romania. While being in that country for three months, she fell in love with the culture, people, and language. In the last month of her internship, she felt the Lord telling her that she was going to be called back to Romania as a full-time missionary. When the internship ended, she flew back to the United States where she needed to finish her last year of university and be in constant prayer about the future. In November of 2019, she signed up for another internship in Romania that coming year. Within the next coming months of 2020, COVID-19 canceled not only her university graduation but also her internship in Romania. Now, one year later, she has become a full-time missionary for a country and people that our Father has placed on her heart. She serves with the Fusion/Camps ministries.
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