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Missionary Bio
Dorin is living and serving in GalaÈ›i; a city in South-East Romania, close to the Republic of Moldova, by the Danube River, a place with a great need for the good news and hope. After years teaching Romanian Literature and grammar in public schools of Galati, Dorin decided to invest his life in discipling young people in his local church called “Emanuel Christian Church” and through an organization that he has founded named ProVeritas—The Truth Will Set You Free. His passion is to build bridges between non-Christian youth and his youth ministry, through music, debates, and prevention programs. In 2017, Dorin started a Fusion choir in his city and became part of the Josiah Venture team, leading Fusion Romania. He is married to Nicoleta and they have a son named Robert. Their prayer, work, and desire is to bring Jesus to the young people in the south-eastern part of the country, through evangelism and discipleship. They love to read about history and to start new projects.
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