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Missionary Bio
Claire grew up in the Czech Republic as the daughter of JV missionaries. From a young age, she was impacted by being raised in a cross-cultural setting and seeing the gospel transform lives. After graduating from Czech national school, she moved to Chicago to study at Moody Bible Institute. While at Moody, God transformed Claire’s heart to deeply care about kids and directed her towards studying children’s and family ministry. A summer internship equipped her to provide pre-field training and debriefing for missionary kids and their families. It was there that her desire deepened to see these children cared for on the field.
Claire moved to Czech and joined the JV team in 2017 to serve the JV missionary kids (JVK), children whom she can uniquely understand because of their shared background. Her role as JV Kids Director involves coming alongside the JV families and the JV staff to encourage, equip, and serve their kids across Central and Eastern Europe. She loves JVK and that her role supports the movement of God among the next generation in Central and Eastern Europe.
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